Theological Argument in Law: Engaging with Stanley Hauerwas

September 9, 2011
8:30 AM-3:45 PM
Room 3043
Duke Law School
Symposium relating the work of Stanley Hauerwas to discrete areas of the law (including legal ethics, disability law, and health care law) and broader topics in political and legal theory (including public reason, law's violence, dissent, and liberalism).
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Read story here.
L&CP Conference
Theological Argument in Law: Engaging with Stanley Hauerwas
9:00 AM
Topical Essays
Lawyering in the Christian Colony
W. Bradley Wendel (Cornell, Law)
Exposing the Cracks in the Foundations of Disability Law
Elizabeth R. Schiltz (St. Thomas, Law)
Mistakes about Intention
Michael P. Moreland (Villanova, Law)
Toward a Christian Politics of “Good Punishment”
James Logan (Earlham, Religion)
Panel Chair: Paul J. Griffiths (Duke, Theology)
10:45 AM
Broader Applications
Hauerwasian Christian Legal Theory
David A. Skeel (Penn, Law)
Creation, Covenant, and Contract
M. Cathleen Kaveny (Notre Dame, Law and Theology)
Hauerwas and Narrative Legal Scholarship
Charlton Copeland (Miami, Law)
Panel Chair: Guy-Uriel Charles (Duke, Law)
1:15 PM
Legal and Political Theory
Must Law Be Violent?
Stephen L. Carter (Yale, Law)
Hauerwas and Dworkin: The Limits of Integrity
John D. Inazu (Wash U., Law)
Hauerwas, Liberalism, and Public Reason
Stephen Macedo (Princeton, Politics)
Panel Chair: Stanley Fish (Florida International, Law and Humanities)
2:45 PM
Stanley Hauerwas (Duke, Theology)
Moderator: H. Jefferson Powell (George Washington, Law)
Conference papers will be published in Volume 75 of Law & Contemporary Problems.
Sponsored by:
Franklin Humanities Institute
Washington University School of Law
John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics
Duke Divinity School
Duke Law School’s Program in Public Law