
What We Do

Main Content

The Center for Sports Law and Policy at Duke Law School is a forum for sports law and policy-related engagement and programming at the University.

Consistent with Duke’s interdisciplinary strengths, the work of the Center examines:

  • The regulation and business of professional, Olympic, and education-based sport
  • The welfare of athletes, including their health and educational development
  • The promise of sport as a social good

Affiliated faculty at the Law School and the University bring the tools of their respective academic disciplines to bear on this work, alumni and guests contribute on-the-ground context and expertise, and dedicated students collaborate with faculty and alumni to conduct their own related research.

Child wearing football helmet

Health & Welfare of Athletes

Mag Cover

Spirit of Sport

Duke Law School Faculty

Left Side Content

Paul Haagen

Paul Haagen

Co-Director and Professor of Law

Professor Haagen's principal academic interests are contracts, the social history of law and law and sports.

Right Side Content

Professor Doriane Coleman

Doriane Coleman

Co-Director and Professor of Law

Professor Coleman specializes in torts, sex in the law, and medicine and law.


Affiliated Duke University Faculty