2009 Hardt Cup Finals
The participants present oral arguments on Padilla v. Commenwealth of Kentucky a case that deals with whether or not attorneys must advice non-citizen clients about deportation risks in judicial proceedings. James Pearce '11 and Leah Shen '11 argue before Judge David Ebel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, Judge Patricia Timmons-Goodson of the North Carolina Supreme Court, and Judge Paul L. Friedman of the U. S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Sponsored by the Moot Court Board.
Recorded on April 06, 2009.
Conference title: Hardt Cup Moot Court Competition 2009.
Appearing: James Pearce and Leah Shen, finalists ; Judge David Ebel, Judge Patricia Timmons Goodson and Judge Paul L. Friedman, moot court panel.