Admin Law 2022 | Session 2: Algorithmic Governance and Democratic Discourse
The Duke Law Journal’s Administrative Law Symposium strives to produce an annual commentary on each year’s major developments in the field of federal administrative law. The symposium reports and analyzes those developments which are of general significance, presenting in one volume a discussion of current controversial issues which should be of interest both to the infrequent agency practitioner and to the attorney or agency member who desires a cross-agency perspective on those issues. Because of both space and knowledge limitations, the symposium undertakes to give detailed attention to those issues which appear to be of greatest general interest.
Appearing: Edward W. Felten (Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton), moderator ; Ryan Calo (U. of Washington Law), Hannah Bloch-Wehba (Texas A&M Law), and Cary Coglianese (Penn Law),, panelists.
Sponsored by the Duke Law Journal, the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, and the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School.
Symposium title: Automating the Administrative State