Bolch Institute | Coping with COVID: How Law Schools are Educating Students & Fostering Community
David F. Levi, director of the Bolch Judicial Institute and president of the American Law Institute, talks with top law school deans about how they made the rapid transition to online learning and what the coming months and years might hold for law schools and students. Featuring Kerry Abrams, the James B. Duke and Benjamin N. Duke Dean of the School of Law at Duke University; Vikram Amar, the Dean and Iwan Foundation Professor of Law at the University of Illinois College of Law; Heather Gerken, the Dean and Sol & Lillian Goldman Professor of Law at Yale Law School; John Manning, the Morgan and Helen Chu Dean and Professor of Law at Harvard Law School; Jenny S. Martinez, the Richard E. Lang Professor of Law and Dean of Stanford Law School; and Jennifer Mnookin, the Dean and David G. Price and Dallas P. Price Professor of Law at UCLA Law.
Sponsored by the Bolch Judicial Institute and cosponsored by the American Law Institute.