Center for Firearms Law | Guns, Violence & Democracy: Panel 2, Guns & Policing

Our next symposium will be hosted at Harvard Law School on March 25, 2022 in coordination with the Harvard Law Review. The theme is Guns, Violence, and Democracy. The events of the past several years—including pandemic-produced uncertainty and economic instability, antiracism protests, and assaults on free and fair elections—have confirmed both the importance and the fragility of democratic institutions. The symposium will discuss the ways that violence shapes U.S. democracy, with an emphasis on the intersection between firearms and issues like voting, public protest, policing, race and privilege. We plan to address some of the theoretical, doctrinal, historical, and policy challenges at the center of this critical debate by drawing together scholars of diverse methodologies and perspectives.
Panel 2: Guns and Policing
This Panel will discuss the significance of firearms in the context of both public and private policing.
Aziz Z. Huq, University of Chicago Law School
Eric Ruben, SMU Dedman School of Law
Adam Winkler, UCLA Law
Alexandra Natapoff, Harvard Law School, moderator