DELPF Symposium 2006 | Incorporating Children Into the Risk Process, Panel 1

The Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum's annual symposium. This year's topic: Law, Science, and Uncertainty: The Future of Children's Environmental Health. -Welcome by William Schlesinger -Panel 1: "Incorporating Children into the Risk Process" with John Vandenberg, John Wargo, Sandra Hoffman, and Wendy Wagner

Recorded on October 27, 2006.

Panel titled: Incorporating Children Into the Risk Process.

Conference title: DELPF Symposium 2006.

Appearing: William Schlesinger (Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University), introductions; John Vandenberg (US Environmental Protection Agency), John Wargo(Yale University), Sandra Hoffman(Fellow - Resources for the Future), Wendy Wagner (University of Texas School of Law), panelists.

Related paper: Sandra Hoffmann, Since Children are not Little AdultsSociallyWhats an Environmental Economist to do?, 17 Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 209-232 (Spring 2007). Available at: