DELPF Symposium 2006 | Panel 2

The Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum's annual symposium. This year's topic: Law, Science, and Uncertainty: The Future of Children's Environmental Health.

Recorded on October 27, 2006.

Panel titled: Case Studies in Current Policies as They Impact Children's Environmental Health.

Conference title: Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum (DELPF Symposium (2006))

Appearing: Tim Profeta (Nicholas School - Duke University), moderator; Katherine M. Shea (University of North Carolina), John Suttles Jr. (Southern Environmental Law Center), Marie Lynn Miranda (Nicholas School - Duke University), panelists.

Related paper: Fawn Pattison and Katherine M. Shea, A Collaborative Model for Children's Environmental Health Policy: The North Carolina School Children's Health Act, 17 Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum 233-248 (Spring 2007). Available at: