DJCIL Symposium 2009 | Forests, Panel 2
The Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law hosted a symposium on the global impact of the local management of environmental resources. By looking at the property-related aspects of international environmental law, the Symposium explored development concerns and the impact of resource management systems on national economies.
Recorded on January 30, 2009.
Panel titled: Forests.
Conference title: Local Property, Global Justice: Law & Resources in the Era of Climate Change (Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law Symposium (2009))
Appearing: Antonio Benjamin (Justice-Supreme Court of Brazil), Michael Wara (Stanford Law School) ; Jedediah Purdy (Duke University School of Law), panelists ; Lydia Olander (Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences), moderator.
Related paper:: Jedediah Purdy, What Has to Change for Forests to be Saved? A Historical Example From the United States, 19 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 467-486 (2009). Available at: