Fatima Ahdash & Fionnuala Ní Aoláin | Families & National Security
While much attention has been paid to the human rights fallout of national security measures post-9/11, one area that is consistently overlooked is the impact of such measures on the family-both as a unit and for individual family members. This is the case with administrative and criminal measures that impact the family unit or members. Join Fatima Ahdash, Goldsmiths, University of London; Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, University of Minnesota; & Jayne Huckerby, Duke Law International Human Rights Clinic; to discuss the range of ways in which national security policies both mobilize and impact families across the globe and analyzing the role various legal and other institutions in facilitating these adverse impacts.
The Human Rights in Practice speaker series presents discussions with noted practitioners on a wide range of current human rights issues.
Organized by the Center for International & Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic.
Co-sponsors: Coalition Against Gendered Violence, Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute; Center for Law, Ethics and National Security; Muslim Law Students Association; National Security Law Society; Duke Human Rights Center at the Kenan Institute for Ethics; Women Law Students Association; Human Rights Law Society; & International Law Society.