IP 2004 | MP3s: Privacy and Piracy in the World of Filesharing

The opening remarks and morning panel of the third annual Hot Topics in Intellectual Property Law Symposium, sponsored by the Duke Law Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw Society. Duke Law Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw Society President Grant Yang and Duke Law Dean Katharine Bartlett welcome attendees, and Duke Law Professor David Lange introduces the panelists, who address the latest developments in the mp3 privacy vs. piracy debate and public domain issues. The speakers and topics include: Jim Burger on "Can the Labels and P2P Survive Each Other?" ; Jason Schultz on "Voluntary Collective Licensing of Music File Sharing" ; Dean Garfield on "Legal Issues Surrounding P2P File Sharing Systems" ; Mark Ishikawa on "The Myth of Anonymity on P2P Networks" ; and Raymond Ku on "P2P Paradigm & the Digital Paradigm."

Recorded on March 26, 2004.

Hot Topics in Intellectual Property Law Symposium.

Appearing: Grant Yang (President, Duke Law Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw Society), host ; Katharine T. Bartlett (Dean, Duke University School of Law), host ; David Lange (Professor, Duke University School of Law), introductions ; Jim Burger (Dow, Lownes & Albertson), speaker ; Jason Shultz (Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation), speaker ; Dean Garfield (Vice President of Legal Affairs, Recording Industry Association of America), speaker ; Mark Ishikawa (CEO, Bay TSP), speaker ; Raymond Ku (Professor, Case Western Reserve University Law School), speaker.