L&CP Symposium 2013: Child-Custody Decisionmaking | Emily Buss ; Commenter Maxine Eichner
Recorded on April 26, 2013.
Lecture titled: The Uneasy Alliance Between Parents' Rights & Children's Interests.
Conference title: Child-Custody Decisionmaking (Law and Contemporary Problems Symposium (2013))
Appearing: Emily Buss (University of Chicago Law School), speaker ; Maxine Eichner (UNC School of Law), commenter.
Related paper: Emily Buss, An Off-Label Use of Parental Rights? The Unanticipated Doctrinal Antidote for Professor Mnookin's Diagnosis , 77 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-28 (2014). Available at: http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/lcp/vol77/iss1/2/