Is MLK's Dream Still Alive?
This election season, African-Americans like Barack Obama and Condoleezza Rice rose to the heights of the American political system, but 1.4 million African-American men (13% of the black male population) were ineligible to vote because of their involvement in the criminal justice system. This begs the question: "Is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream still alive?" Please join us at the Law School for a vigorous British Parliamentary style debate as we think critically about Dr. King's contribution and legacy to our nation. The British Parliamentary style debate is modeled after the British House of Commons and is characterized as being lively and audience-oriented. Our debaters include Professor Neil Siegel and students arguing for and against the house's proposition, so please come out and cheer for your side as a participatory audience member. Sponsored by the Black Law Students Association, Duke Law Republicans, and Duke Law Democrats.
Recorded on January 20, 2005.
Appearing: Erika Randall (Duke Law Student, 2L), introductions; Vendelela Neely (Duke Law Student, 2L), James Nowlin (Duke Law Student, 2L), Chris Richardson (Duke Law Student, 1L), David Cooke (Duke Law Student, 1L), Neil S. Siegel (Duke Law), Kisha Payton (Duke Law Student, 3L), speakers.