Videos tagged with Andrew Foster

  • Clinical Professor Andrew Foster, director of the Community Enterprise Clinic at Duke, talks about the clinic's work, how students get involved, the skills that students learn, and his favorite part about leading the clinic. The clinic helps nonprofit organizations and social entrepreneurs plan and implement community development projects that improve the quality of life in economically disadvantaged areas.

  • Professor Andrew Foster, longtime director of clinical programs at Duke Law, speaks with Tara Kenchen, Principal Consultant, UF Strategies and formerly President and CEO of the N.C. Community Development Initiative, Inc., about C.D.I. Inc.'s impact in North Carolina and the importance of community economic development.

    Visit National Institute of Minority Economic Development at

  • Professor Andrew Foster, longtime director of clinical programs at Duke Law, speaks with Camryn Smith, co-executive director and co-founder of Communities in Partnership, Inc., about the assisting Durham communities, the meaning of being “community-rooted,” and BIPOC businesses surviving COVID.

    Visit Communities in Partnership, Inc., at

  • Professor Andrew Foster, longtime director of clinical programs at Duke Law, speaks with Yolanda Winstead, president and CEO of DHIC, Inc., about dispelling the affordable housing myth, ‘not in my backyard,' and offering opportunities to everyday people.

    Visit DHIC, Inc., at

  • Professor Andrew Foster, longtime director of clinical programs at Duke Law, speaks with Kevin J. Price, president and CEO of the National Institute of Minority Economic Development, about diverse businesses surviving systemic racism and COVID, and the importance of giving back.

    Visit the National Institute of Minority Economic Development at

  • Innovation is the key to the social, economic, and political challenges of our times, and entrepreneurial ventures are likely to be the drivers of the 21st century economy. But start-ups and innovators face a complex web of regulations, specialized financial considerations, business and organizational challenges, and other constraints. Lawyers have an important role to play in guiding the innovative ventures of today and tomorrow through this labyrinth to success. If you are planning a career in law and business, Duke Law's new Law and Entrepreneurship LLM might be right for you.