Videos tagged with DFLSC Symposium

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change held its annual symposium on Feb. 10, 2017. The symposium was titled "Dividing Lines: Borders, Race, and Religion in America."

    Opening remarks by Duke Forum for Law and Social Change Editor-in-Chief, Melany Cruz Burgos '17

    Session 1: Separate and Definitely not Equal – the Demonization of Immigrants and the American Dream: Presentation by Laura A. Hernández, Professor of Law at Baylor Law School

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2016 Symposium examined issues related to civil rights and policing.

    Duke Law Professor James E. Coleman Jr. delivered a commentary on affirmative action.

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2016 Symposium examined issues related to civil rights and policing.

    Leah Goodridge, Supervising Attorney of the Housing Project, MFY Legal Services and Helen Strom, independent researcher, gave a presentation titled "Innocent Until Proven Guilty?: Examining the Constitutionality of Subsidized Housing Evictions Based on Criminal Activity."

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2015 symposium focused on mental health and the law.

    Jeffrey W. Swanson - Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke

    Speaker 3 of 3

    Lecture titled: Gun Violence and Mental Health
    Conference titled: Mental Health and the Law

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2015 symposium focused on mental health and the law.

    James T.R. Jones - Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Professor

    Speaker 2 of 3

    Lecture titled: Professionals with Mental Illness
    Conference titled: Mental Health and the Law

  • The Duke Forum for Law & Social Change's 2015 symposium focused on mental health and the law.

    Allison Robertson - Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke

    Speaker 1 of 3

    Lecture titled: Criminal Justice Involvement & Mental Illness
    Conference titled: Mental Health Law

  • Panel 3 -- Showcase of Local Work: Moderator: Jedediah Purdy, Professor of Law, Duke University
    Chris Brook, Attorney at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice Judy Kincaid, Executive Director of Clean Energy Durham
    Randy Strobo*, environmental attorney
    Hope Taylor, Executive Director of Clean Water for North Carolina

  • Opening Remarks: Dr. Pamela Maxson, Research Director, Duke Children's Environmental Health Initiative
    Panel 1 -- Broadening the Energy/Environmental Discourse: Why and How
    Moderator: Michelle Nowlin, Senior Lecturing Fellow and Supervising Attorney
    for Duke's Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
    Caroline Farrell*, Director of the Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment
    Michael Rawson*, Co-Director of the Public Interest Law Project
    Chandra Taylor, Senior Attorney at the Southern Environmental Law Center

  • Panel 2 - Transitioning from Coal: Drivers, Concerns, and Opportunities: Moderator: Jonas Monast, Director of Climate and Energy, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
    Laura Bozzi*, Yale University Ph.D. candidate
    Randy Strobo*, environmental attorney
    Hope Taylor, Executive Director of Clean Water for North Carolina

  • Our Youth at a Crossroads: The Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudication. Panel 3

    Recorded on February 11, 2011.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: David Rossman (Boston University), Wendy Kaplan (Boston University) and Elizabeth Frankel (University of Chicago), panelists.

  • Recorded on February 11, 2011.

    Part of the conference: Our Youth at a Crossroads: the Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudication.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Judge Marcia Morey (14th District of Durham County), speaker.

  • Our Youth at a Crossroads: The Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudication. Panel 2

    Recorded on February 11, 2011.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Katherine Burdick (Juvenile Law Center) and Dean Rivkin (University of Tennessee), panelists.

  • Recorded on February 11, 2011.

    Part of the conference: Our Youth at a Crossroads: the Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudication.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Jane Wettach (Duke University), speaker.

  • Our Youth at a Crossroads: The Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudication. Panel 1

    Recorded on February 11, 2011.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Chris Gowen (American Bar Association), Lisa Thurau (Strategies for Youth, Inc.), Riya Shah (Juvenile Law Center), Lisa Campbell (Defender Association of Philadelphia) and Aaron Kupchik (University of Delaware), panelists.

  • Recorded on February 11, 2011.

    Part of the conference: Our Youth at a Crossroads: the Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Adjudication.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Keith Howard (Legal Aid of North Carolina), speaker.

  • Recorded on February 05, 2010.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Mary Rose Oakar, speaker.

  • Opening Remarks ; Evaluating the Perception of Islam and Being Muslim in Contemporary Media & Government

    Opening remarks and introduction presented by Abdullah Antepli. The panelists present papers published in the Duke forum for law & Social change, volume 2 (2010).

    Recorded on February 05, 2010.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Abdullah Antepli, speaker ; Neil Vidmar, moderator ; Sheryll Cashin, Aziz Huq, and Tung Yin, panelists.

  • Panel discussion on critical issues in redefining basic civil rights for Muslims since 9/11. The panelists discuss articles that were subsequently published in the Duke forum for law & social change, volume 2 (2010)

    Recorded on February 05, 2010.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: Guy-Uriel Charles, moderator ; Natsu Saito, Gwen Alexis, Peter Danschin, panelists.

  • Panel discussion on critical issues in legal education, as well as innovations and work being done to evolve legal education in keeping with social and practical developments. Also discussd were the disparities in information provided to law school applicants, and the issue of law school and law firm preparedness.

    Part of the conference: Moving Education Forward : Perspective and Innovations in Education Law and Policy.

    Recorded on February 13, 2009.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

  • Panel discussion on issues particular to primary education, and whether integration is an answer to educational disparities in public schooling.

    Part of the conference: Moving Education Forward : Perspective and Innovations in Education Law and Policy.

    Recorded on February 13, 2009.

    Duke Forum for Law & Social Change.

    Appearing: James Coleman, moderator ; Wendy Scott, Olatunde Johnson, and Kristi Bowman, panelists.

  • Panel 4 - Creating a Just Green Economy: Moving Forward
    Moderator: Ryke Longest, Director of the Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
    Kate Gordon*, VP for Energy Policy at the Center for American Progress
    Maria Savasta-Kennedy, Professor of Law and Faculty Advisor for the Environmental Law Project at UNC Law
    Savi Horne, NC Assoc. of Black Lawyers' Land Loss Prevention Project
    (* indicates author in our upcoming publication)