Videos tagged with Discussions

  • Since 1995 the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) has hosted an annual national security law conference in Durham, N.C. The conference promotes education and discussion of the complex and diverse issues involved in national security, such as the legal and policy implications of counterterrorism operations at home and abroad, the international law of armed conflict, the impact of new technology on security issues, and the ethical issues of the practice of national security law.

  • Since 1995 the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) has hosted an annual national security law conference in Durham, N.C. The conference promotes education and discussion of the complex and diverse issues involved in national security, such as the legal and policy implications of counterterrorism operations at home and abroad, the international law of armed conflict, the impact of new technology on security issues, and the ethical issues of the practice of national security law.

    This event is the Conference Leadership Address.

  • Since 1995 the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) has hosted an annual national security law conference in Durham, N.C. The conference promotes education and discussion of the complex and diverse issues involved in national security, such as the legal and policy implications of counterterrorism operations at home and abroad, the international law of armed conflict, the impact of new technology on security issues, and the ethical issues of the practice of national security law.

    This event was the lunchtime presentation.

  • Since 1995 the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) has hosted an annual national security law conference in Durham, N.C. The conference promotes education and discussion of the complex and diverse issues involved in national security, such as the legal and policy implications of counterterrorism operations at home and abroad, the international law of armed conflict, the impact of new technology on security issues, and the ethical issues of the practice of national security law.

  • Since 1995 the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) has hosted an annual national security law conference in Durham, N.C. The conference promotes education and discussion of the complex and diverse issues involved in national security, such as the legal and policy implications of counterterrorism operations at home and abroad, the international law of armed conflict, the impact of new technology on security issues, and the ethical issues of the practice of national security law.

  • Civil commitment and the mental health care continuum: Historical trends and principles for law and practice.

    Jeffrey Swanson is Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine. Swanson holds a PhD in sociology from Yale University. He is a social scientist researcher who collaborates across disciplines to build evidence for interventions, policies and laws to improve outcomes for adults with serious mental illnesses in the community, and to reduce firearm-related violence and suicide.

  • Professor Walter E. Dellinger III (former Assistant Attorney General in charge of OLC) discusses the role the Office of Legal Counsel plays in Executive branch decision making, key moments and figures in the Office's history, and stories from his time leading the office during the Clinton Administration. The discussion was led by Professor H. Jefferson Powell (former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, OLC).

    Co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society, the Federalist Society, and the Government and Public Interest Society