Videos tagged with Eugene Volokh

  • The Supreme Court has just decided three major cases that will profoundly shape First Amendment limits on governments' ability to regulate social media, and First Amendment law more generally - NetChoice v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice (involving Texas and Florida laws restricting social media companies' content moderation) and Murthy v. Missouri (addressing who may challenge government communications that allegedly compel content moderation).

  • Panel 2 of the NYU Law Review/Duke Center for Firearms Law Symposium is "Bruen’s Methodology and Practical Consequences for Legislation and Criminal Law." The event was recorded on Friday, September 23, 2022.

    - Moderator: Mark Tushnet (Harvard)
    - Panelists: Eric Ruben (SMU), Eugene Volokh (UCLA)

    Sponsored by the Duke Center for Firearms Law in coordination with the New York University Law Review.