Videos tagged with Faculty Author Celebration

  • A celebration held on February 20, 2023 at Duke Law School for Professor H. Jefferson Powell's recent book, The Practice of American Constitutional Law (e-book available at

  • Join Professor Jedediah Purdy for a discussion of his recent book, _Two Cheers for Politics: Why Democracy Is Flawed, Frightening - and Our Best Hope._ The new title explains how American political culture disempowers ordinary citizens and makes the case for a reinvigorated democracy. Lisa Kern Griffin, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Research and Candace M. Carroll and Leonard B. Simon Professor of Law, moderates the event.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • Join Professor Matthew Adler, Richard A. Horvitz Professor of Law and Professor of Economics, Philosophy and Public Policy, for a discussion of his recent book, Measuring Social Welfare: An Introduction. This title provides an overview of the social welfare function (SWF) framework and a demonstration of how it can be used as a powerful tool for evaluating governmental policies. James Boyle, William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law, will provide introductory remarks.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.