Videos tagged with Goodson Law Library

  • Join our distinguished panel of experts for a discussion celebrating the 100th anniversary of The American Law Institute. ALI's mission is to clarify, modernize, and improve the law via scholarly publications and projects. Featuring: David F. Levi (Dean Emeritus, Duke Law) ALI President, Andrew Gold (Professor, Brooklyn Law; Duke JD'98) co-editor of The American Law Institute: A Centennial History, Deborah A. DeMott (Professor, Duke Law) Reporter, Restatement (Third) of Agency, Brandon L. Garrett (Professor, Duke Law) Associate Reporter, Principles of the Law, Policing.

  • Join Professor Jedediah Purdy for a discussion of his recent book, _Two Cheers for Politics: Why Democracy Is Flawed, Frightening - and Our Best Hope._ The new title explains how American political culture disempowers ordinary citizens and makes the case for a reinvigorated democracy. Lisa Kern Griffin, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Research and Candace M. Carroll and Leonard B. Simon Professor of Law, moderates the event.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • Join Professor Matthew Adler, Richard A. Horvitz Professor of Law and Professor of Economics, Philosophy and Public Policy, for a discussion of his recent book, Measuring Social Welfare: An Introduction. This title provides an overview of the social welfare function (SWF) framework and a demonstration of how it can be used as a powerful tool for evaluating governmental policies. James Boyle, William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law, will provide introductory remarks.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • In honor of National Library Week (April 19-25, 2020) staff from the J. Michael Goodson Law Library share what they are reading while sheltering in place.

  • Professor Curtis A. Bradley's discusses his recent book, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law, a groundbreaking text in this relatively new field of study. Professor and contributing author Laurence R. Helfer provides introductory remarks.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • Professor Lawrence A. Zelenak's discusses his , Figuring Out the Tax: Congress, Treasury, and the Design of the Early Modern Income Tax, which traces the history of our income tax system through stories of the remarkable personalities who shaped it.

    Professor Richard L. Schmalbeck provides introductory remarks.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • Joseph Blocher and Darrell A.H. Miller discuss their book, "The Positive Second Amendment: Rights, Regulation, and the Future of Heller". This title is the first comprehensive post-Heller account of the history, theory, and law of one of the Constitution's most recognized - and perhaps most misunderstood rights: the right to keep and bear arms. Senior Associate Dean Margaret H. Lemos leads the conversation.

    Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • Jerome H. Reichman, Bunyan S. Womble Professor of Law, discussed his book "Governing Digitally Integrated Genetic Resources, Data, and Literature: Global Intellectual Property Strategies for a Redesigned Microbial Research Commons." (Cambridge 2016). James Boyle, William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law, provided introductory remarks.

    Sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • Professor Barak D. Richman, Edgar P. and Elizabeth C.

  • Professor Matthew Adler discusses his new Oxford Handbook co-edited with Marc Fleurbaey of Princeton University. The Handbook represents a definitive guide to research on individual well-being and on the existing and emerging tools for evaluating public policy in light of well-being. Contributions from internationally renowned economists and philosophers explore different methodologies for policymaking, from standard approaches such as cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and gross domestic product (GDP), to newer tools from emerging fields of research such as happiness studies.

  • Professors Jamie Boyle and Jennifer Jenkins discuss their newest book, Theft! A History of Music. The graphic novel lays out a 2000-year long history of musical borrowing from Plato to rap, an epic battle between creativity and control.

    Find more information at

    Sponsored by the Dean's Office and the Goodson Law Library.

  • Professor Laurence Helfer and co-author Karen J. Alter discuss their new book, "Transplanting International Courts: Law & Politics of the Andean Tribunal of Justice," which provides a deep, systematic investigation of the most active and successful transplant of the European Court of Justice.

    Sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean.

  • The 2017 National Library Week Alumni Author event featured John D. Inazu (JD 2000), Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion at Washington University in St. Louis.

    In his second book, Confident Pluralism (2016), he presents a framework for an increasingly polarized and divided America to live together peaceably and to explore deep differences in good faith.

    Introduction by Professor H. Jefferson Powell.

    Sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and the American Constitution Society.

  • The spring Faculty Author Event celebrated a new book by co-authors Larry Helfer, Molly Land, Ruth Okediji and Jerome Reichman, "The World Blind Union Guide to the Marrakesh Treaty: Facilitating Access to Books for Print Disabled Individuals." The Marrakesh Treaty is a watershed new agreement situated at the intersection of intellectual property and human rights law. The Treaty creates mandatory exceptions to copyright to expand the availability of books and cultural materials in accessible formats to individuals with visual disabilities.

  • A reading and discussion of Capital Offenses: Business Crime and Punishment in America's Corporate Age (W.W. Norton & Co., 2016), by Bernard M. Fishman Professor of Law, Samuel W. Buell. Prof. Buell, who served as the lead prosecutor for the Justice Department's Enron Task Force, delivers an incisive overview of the rampant and troubling growth of American white-collar crime, dissects the many difficulties facing those who work to root it out and punish criminals, and drafts a blueprint for improving the system going forward.

  • A discussion of Professor Powell's latest book, Targeting Americans: The Constitutionality of the U.S. Drone War (Oxford University Press). Powell's book focuses on the legal debate surrounding drone strikes, From a position of deep practical expertise in constitutional issues, Prof. Powell provides a dispassionate and balanced analysis of the issues posed by U.S. targeted killing policy. A fundamental theme of the book is that the conclusion that an action or policy is constitutional should not be confused with claims about its wisdom, morality, or legality under international norms.

  • In his latest book, After Nature: A Politics for the Anthropocene, Professor Jedediah Purdy defines and details the Anthropocene epoch - the age of humans - and calls for a new way of thinking about political, legal, and cultural solutions to environmental problems. Tracing critical changes in our relationship with the natural world, the book has been praised by critics for its depth and urgency. In an era where humans and the environment are inextricably tied, how do we approach environmental politics, economics and ethics?

  • A 'sneak preview' of program B6 at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries in Denver, Colorado. 'Library Videos: Getting Blockbuster Quality on an Indie Budget' was presented on July 11, 2010 by reference librarian Jennifer Behrens and Media Services Manager Miguel Bordo.

  • Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and the Duke Environmental Law Society. "It is hard to make a desert in a region that receives almost sixty inches of rain each year, but that is exactly what happened in the Ducktown Basin." Join Duncan Maysilles '79 as he discusses his recent book, Ducktown Smoke: The Fight over One of the South's Greatest Environmental Disasters, a story of environmental devastation from sulfur dioxide pollution in Southern Appalachia, and a 1907 decision that reframed nuisance law and was the first case of cross-border air pollution to reach the Supreme Court.

  • A "recently-unearthed" educational filmstrip from our archive touches upon the noise policy and other common concerns about use of the Duke Law Library.