Videos tagged with Margaret H. Lemos

  • The Duke Law community came together to honor the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Remarks were delivered from those who knew Justice Ginsburg personally or studied, taught, or engaged with her life's work.

    We have also set up a KudoBoard to allow members of the Duke community to share the ways in which Justice Ginsburg has influenced or inspired them (

    Sponsored by The Women's Law Students Association, the Program in Public Law, and the Dean's Office.

  • Duke Law Professors Curtis Bradley, Margaret Lemos, Stephen Sachs and Ernest Young discuss the future direction of the Supreme Court in light of the replacement of Justice Kennedy with Justice Kavanaugh. Moderated by Marin Levy.

    Sponsored by The Program in Public Law.

  • The 2016 elections will impact the federal judiciary for years to come. With nearly 100 federal court vacancies - including one on the Supreme Court - the next President and the next Senate have the potential to reshape the federal judiciary. Professors Neil Siegel of Duke Law, Craig Green of Temple Law, Michael Gerhardt of UNC Law, and Georg Vanberg of the Duke Department of Political Science discuss the future of the courts under President Trump. Professor Maggie Lemos moderates.

    Co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society and the Program in Public Law.

  • The Program in Public Law sponsored this event to honor the memory of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. In his thirty years of service on the Court, Justice Scalia significantly influenced the ways that judges, lawyers, and the public think, talk, and write about the law, the Constitution, and the Court. Former Scalia clerk and litigation partner William Jay of Goodwin Procter, Professors Neil Siegel, Ernest Young, and Margaret Lemos discuss the life and legacy of this influential jurist.

  • Welcoming remarks and a panel discussion from Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum's 25th Anniversary Symposium, "Carrots and Sticks: Moving the US National Food System Toward a Sustainable Future."

    Duke Law School Dean David F. Levi delivers the initial remarks. (0:20-9:30)

    The panel's topic, "US Food Law and Policy," is addressed by the following panelists:

    Margaret Lemos, Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law

    Susan Schneider, Director, LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law, University of Arkansas School of Law

  • Panelists with extensive expertise in the legal academy and the executive branch discuss the intersection of executive power and national security law.

    Moderator: Prof. Maggie Lemos, Duke Law School
    Prof. Christopher Schroeder, Duke Law School
    Prof. H. Jefferson Powell, Duke Law School
    Prof. Neil Kinkopf, Georgia State University College of Law

    Panel title: Presidential Power & National Security

    Recorded as part of the 2014 LENS Conference: LAWshaping in National Security: The Past, the Progress, and the Path Ahead.