Videos tagged with Michael J. Gerhardt

  • The 2016 elections will impact the federal judiciary for years to come. With nearly 100 federal court vacancies - including one on the Supreme Court - the next President and the next Senate have the potential to reshape the federal judiciary. Professors Neil Siegel of Duke Law, Craig Green of Temple Law, Michael Gerhardt of UNC Law, and Georg Vanberg of the Duke Department of Political Science discuss the future of the courts under President Trump. Professor Maggie Lemos moderates.

    Co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society and the Program in Public Law.

  • Do Members of Congress take the U.S. Constitution seriously? Do they attempt to shape their actions to what the Constitution says? Do they instead shape what the Constitution says so that it supports their actions (and condemns the actions of their opponents)? Or do they largely disregard the Constitution? Duke professors Chris Schroeder and Neil Siegel and UNC professor Michael Gerhardt discuss these questions from both an historical and a contemporary perspective. They also address the potential role of judicial review in bringing about the current state of affairs.

  • Stare decisis, in Latin literally "Let the decision stand," is the doctrine by which courts adhere to previously decided cases or precedents. Professors Paulsen and Gerhardt will debate this provocative topic, with Professor Paulsen specifically arguing that "the doctrine of stare decisis is ... unconstitutional and dis-serves all of the rule-of-law values it is alleged to advance."

    Recorded on October 25, 2007.

    Appearing: Curtis Bradley, moderator ; Michael Paulsen (University of St. Thomas School of Law), panelist ; Michael Gerhardt (UNC-CH School of Law), panelist.