Videos tagged with North Carolina

  • In recent months, the North Carolina legislature has made vast changes to the state's laws in a variety of areas. Four panelists discuss how the current political environment in North Carolina is affecting the natural environment. Speakers: Ellie Kinnaird, former North Carolina Senator for the 23rd District, Orange and Chatham Counties; Mary Maclean Asbill, lawyer-lobbyist at the Southern Environmental Law Center; Brooks Pearson, lawyer-lobbyist at the Southern Environmental Law Center; and Jedediah Purdy, Robinson O. Everett Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law.

  • Duke Law Professor Joseph Blocher, a Durham native, tells Durham's history through the lens of the law. Using maps, photographs, and other historical materials, the lecture provides a comprehensive history of Durham, beginning with the town's founding in the aftermath of the Civil War and continuing with the rise of the tobacco industry, the success of Black Wall Street, the founding of the universities, the fight for desegregation, and the city's more recent struggles and revitalization.

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