Videos tagged with Refugee Asylum Support Project

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's fall town hall explored issues related to geopolitical borders--specifically, how U.S. immigration policy affects and is affected by refugee migration. Stuart Anderson of the Cato Institute reviewed the U.S.'s historical "open-borders" policies towards immigration and argued that the modern anti-immigration and anti-refugee policy shift is not based on scientifically-sound facts or data.

    Co-sponsored by the Federalist Society and the Refugee Asylum Support Project (RASP).

  • Lives in Transition: Refugee Children's Photography The Refugee Asylum Support Project presents "Lives in Transition," a slideshow and discussion of refugee children's artwork, given by Shinpei Takeda, a Duke alumnus who works with refugee children abroad.

    Recorded on April 05, 2006.

    Appearing: Shinpei Takeda, speaker.