Videos tagged with Stephen Sachs

  • Moderated by Duke Law Professor Marin K. Levy, this panel discussion with fellow Duke Law Professors Curt Bradley, Guy Charles, Kate Evans, Stephen Sachs, and Jim Salzman covers what we might expect from the Biden administration. Specific topics include immigration, environmental policy, voting rights, the judiciary, and foreign affairs.

    Sponsored by the Office of the Dean and the Program in Public Law.

  • Constitutional interpretation has increasingly turned to history and a close reading of the text to decipher meaning.

  • A discussion for the law community with panelists Professor Walter Dellinger, Professor Neil Siegel, Professor Guy Charles, Professor Chris Schroeder, Professor Stephen Sachs and Professor David Schanzer on the constitutional and legal framework surrounding the recent executive orders issued by the new administration.

    Recorded on January 31, 2017

    Co-sponsored by Outlaw, Muslim Law Students Association, and Duke Bar Association.

  • The Supreme Court's health care ruling was an extremely important, and perhaps surprising, decision. Professor Neil Siegel (whose writings may have influenced part of the opinion), Professor Steven Sachs (author on health reform and former clerk to Chief Justice Roberts), and Asheesh Agarwal of Ogletree Deakins (an authority on the possible impacts of the decision) discuss the ruling. Professor Joseph Blocher will moderate. Sponsored by the American Constitution Society, the Federalist Society, and the Health Law Society.

  • A discussion of the Affordable Care Act and arguments made recently before the U.S. Supreme Court. Featured panelists are Walter E. Dellinger III, Douglas B. Maggs Professor Emeritus of Law; Stephen E. Sachs, Assistant Professor of Law; and Neil S. Siegel, Professor of Law and Political Science. Dean David F. Levi moderates.

  • Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy Annual Spring Symposium.
    Introduction: Kara Duffle, Editor-in-Chief
    Opening Remarks: Jim Johnson, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University
    Policies, Proposals, and Practical Implications
    Moderator: Stephen Sachs, Duke Law
    Participants: Peter Conti-Brown, Stanford Law, Michael Greve, AEI, Gene Nichol, UNC School of Law

  • September 16, 2011 - First Session - Constitutional Expanse of Congress's Enumerated Powers

    Erwin Chemerinsky (UC-Irvine School of Law), "Distinguishing Politics and Law: Why the Affordable Care Act is Clearly Constitutional"
    Introductory remarks by Stephen Sachs (Duke Law School)

    Neil Siegel (Duke Law School), "Free Riding on Benevolence: Collective Action Federalism and the Individual Mandate"
    Introductory remarks by Jack Balkin (Yale Law School), moderator

    Panelists: Robert Cooter (UC Berkeley School of Law), Ernie Young (Duke Law School)

  • The Program in Public Law presents a panel discussion on the Constitutional challenges to the health care law, the issues/arguments involved in these challenges, and thoughts about what the Court should do, will do, and how much it matters (i.e., which health care system problems will persist, whatever the Court decides).

  • October 3, 2011 - The Program in Public Law presents its annual Supreme Court Preview. Duke Law professors Neil Siegel, Kate Bartlett, Curt Bradley, Stephen Sachs, and student Emily May ('13) discuss some of the most important Supreme Court cases of the upcoming term.