Videos tagged with Allyson K. Duncan

  • Judge Allyson K. Duncan ’75 of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit advised Duke Law’s 2019 graduates to keep themselves open to “inspiring challenges and discoveries” in the course of their careers when she spoke at their convocation ceremony on May 11.

    Read the story at:…

  • Retired United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy received the inaugural Bolch Prize for the Rule of Law on April 11, 2019, during a ceremony with Duke Law alumni and leaders from the North Carolina judiciary and legal community. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Judge Allyson K. Duncan of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and Bolch Judicial Institute Director David F. Levi were among the speakers.

  • The final round of the 2015 Hardt Cup Tournament. Finalists Jordan Glassberg '17 and Will Hawkins '17, argue before Circuit Judge Paul V. Niemeyer (United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit), Chief Judge James C. Dever III '87 (United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina) and Circuit Judge Allyson K. Duncan '75 (United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit). Sponsored by the Moot Court Board.

  • Recorded on November 8, 2008, Duke University, School of Law.

    Speakers: Introductory remarks by Dean David Levi ; Richard H. Brodhead, Tom Metzloff, Richard Danner, Honorable Allyson K. Duncan (U.S. Court of Appeals), Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (U.S. Supreme Court) at 50:45, and Jillian M. Harrison (Duke Bar Association Internal Vice President).