Videos tagged with Alumni & Development

  • Duke Law alums welcome class of 2024 graduates the Law School's alumni network.

  • Yates, a longtime partner at Morris, Manning & Martin, offers his insights on effective team building. “You need to watch, listen, and learn from mentors, understand what it's like to practice law, and understand the dynamic within your law firm that you're working for.’”

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Carr, assistant director in the Office of the Whistleblower at the SEC, describes why it’s important for attorneys to be open-minded.

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Matthews, chief legal officer at the Local Government Federal Credit Union, talks about the building blocks of a career legacy.

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Matthews, chief legal officer at the Local Government Federal Credit Union, shares her wisdom on integrity and professional brand.

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Carr, assistant director in the Office of the Whistleblower at the SEC, offers his insights into working efficiently with a team in a law practice – “Be somebody that they can trust.”

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Yates, a longtime partner at Morris, Manning & Martin, offers tips to young lawyers on ways to leverage social media, particularly Linkedin, to create a professional identity.

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Liles, senior legal counsel at SAS and founder of Liles Law, advises 3Ls who are job seeking is “to bring their authentic selves to the interview.”

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Yates, a longtime partner at Morris, Manning & Martin, offers his suggestions for effective time management for lawyers. “I really ask, especially young lawyers, to be very clear to say ‘How much time do you think I should spend on this project?’”

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Liles, senior legal counsel at SAS and founder of Liles Law, describes how she found her voice as a legal professional. “There was one partner I was working with who took me aside and really encouraged me to find my own voice when it comes to writing and in speaking.”

    The ‘Alumni Career Tips’ series is provided by the Office of Alumni & Development at Duke Law. (

  • Courts have become increasingly involved in overseeing the immigration policies announced by the President and his agencies. The result has been a dizzying array of on again, off again directives that raise fundamental questions about the obligations of the President as immigration prosecutor, the scope of his discretionary power, and the race to the courthouse in search of a sword or a shield.

  • A discussion of China's economy with Professor Lawrence Baxter and Gao Xiqing '86, former Vice Chairman, President and Chief Investment Officer of the China Investment Corporation.

    Co-sponsored by Alumni & Development and the Duke Bar Association.

  • An insider’s conversation with alumni serving as general counsel of major companies—Anne Fitzgerald '90, Cineplex Entertainment; Gary G. Lynch ’75, Bank of America; R. Scott Toop ’80, Wendy’s; and Michael Treisman '00, Tiger Management. Hear about their professional paths, the issues they tackle daily, and their vision for their roles going forward. Moderated by Deborah DeMott, David F. Cavers Professor of Law, and Elisabeth de Fontenay, Associate Professor of Law.

    Sponsored by the Office of Alumni & Development.

  • A discussion with college sports experts including Charles Clotfelter, Z. Smith Reynolds Professor of Public Policy Studies, Professor of Economics, and Professor of Law; Matt Jones ’03, Kentucky Sports Radio Host; Nina King, Deputy Director of Athletics/Administration, Legal Affairs and Chief of Staff, Duke University; and Leonard B. Simon ’73, Professor of Sports and the Law, University of San Diego, Attorney, and Duke University Athletic Council Member. Moderated by James E. Coleman, Jr., Faculty Chair of the Duke University Athletic Council and John S.

  • A program about Justice Ginsburg's 50+ years as a lawyer, professor, appellate judge and associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The discussion features the editor and contributors to the recent book, "The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg", Scott Dodson '00, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair and Professor of Law, UC Hastings College of Law; Lisa Kern Griffin, Professor of Law; and Neil Siegel, David W. Ichel Professor of Law. It was moderated by Katharine T. Bartlett, A. Kenneth Pye Professor of Law.

    Sponsored by the Office of Alumni & Development.

  • Duke Law Magazine and the Office of Alumni and Development hosted a special Leadership Weekend event: "A Conversation with Katharine T. Bartlett, Dean and A. Kenneth Pye Professor of Law. Alston & Bird Professor of Law Erwin Chemerinsky has a wide-ranging conversation with Dean Bartlett about leadership, legal education, and her scholarship and influences.

  • Duke Law Professor Joseph Blocher, a Durham native, tells Durham's history through the lens of the law. Using maps, photographs, and other historical materials, the lecture provides a comprehensive history of Durham, beginning with the town's founding in the aftermath of the Civil War and continuing with the rise of the tobacco industry, the success of Black Wall Street, the founding of the universities, the fight for desegregation, and the city's more recent struggles and revitalization.

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