Videos tagged with Conference

  • Presentation on lessons from operations in Iraq and Afghanistan that will effect future national security policy.

    Recorded on April 15, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Dr. John A. Nagl (President, Center for a New American Security), speaker.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on airport security. A question and answer session followed the panel presentations.

    Recorded on April 15, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman (Duke University Law School), chair ; Paul Rosenzweig (Principal, Red Branch Consulting), Jim Harper (Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute), and Kenneth S. Kasprisin (Transportation Security Administration), panelists.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on United States government policy regarding the use and legality of drone use in Pakistan and Yemen. A question and answer session followed the panel presentations.

    Recorded on April 15, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: A. John Radsan (William Mitchell College of Law), chair ; William C. Banks (Syracuse University Law School), Hina Shamsi (American Civil Liberties Union), and David Glazier (Loyola Law School), panelists.

  • Presentation on American relations with Arab countries and engagement with the Arab Spring.

    Recorded on April 14, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Dr. Akram F. Khater (North Carolina State University), speaker.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on the electronic surveillance and the protection of privacy. A question and answer session followed the panel presentations.

    Recorded on April 14, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Charles J. Dunlap Jr., (Duke University School of Law), chair ; Jeffrey F. Addicott (St. Mary's University School of Law), Ginger McCall (Electronic Privacy Information Center), Patrick Reynolds (National Security Agency)

  • Panel presentations and discussion on data protection.

    Recorded on April 14, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Suzanne Spaulding (Bingham McCutchen LLP), chair ; Walter Pincus (Washington Post), John MacGaffin (Office of the Director of National Intelligence), and Joel Brenner (Cooley LLP), panelists.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on the ramifications of indefinite detention of terrorists.

    Recorded on April 14, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, opening comments ; Robert Chesney ( University of Texas School of Law), moderator ; Benjamin Wittes (Brookings Institute), Trevor W. Morrison (Columbia Law School), and Michael Gottlieb (Combined Joint Interagency Task Force-435, Afghanistan)

  • Remarks on the challenges the United States faces in battling terrorism and the country's national security. A question and answer period followed the prepared remarks.

    Recorded on April 14, 2011.

    Conference title: National Security Since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2011)

    Appearing: Brian M. Jenkins (Senior Adviser, RAND Corporation), speaker.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Noah Weisbord, chair ; Michael J. Glennon, Jonathan A. Ophardt, and William C. Banks, panelists.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Laurence R. Helfer, chair ; Douglass Cassel, Vijay Padmanabhan, and Edward J. Flynn, panelists.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Robert S. Litt (General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence), speaker.

  • Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Spike Bowman, chair ; Kim Taipale, Paul Rosenzweig, and Bradford Bleier, panelists.

  • Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.
    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, opening remarks ; David H. Schanzer, chair ; Daniel Kimmage, Charles Kurzman, Robert Leiken, panelists.

  • LENS Conference 2010: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration | Prosecuting Alleged Terrorists in Federal District Courts and Military Commissions

    Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Conference title: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2010)

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, chair ; Deborah Pearlstein, Mary V. Perry, and Michael F. Noone, panelists.

  • Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: His Excellency Aziz Mekouar (Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Morocco to the United States of America).

  • Panel presentations and discussion on domestic surveillance.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Neil J. Kinkopf (Georgia State University), moderator ; Christopher Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), Mary DeRosa (Center for Strategic and International Studies), William C. Banks (Syracuse University), and Michael W. Lewis (Northern Ohio University), panelists.

  • The speaker makes remarks about his work as General Counsel of the Department of Defense.

    Recorded on April 15, 2010.

    Part of the conference: National Security Challenges and the Obama Administration.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Jeh Johnson (Department of Defense), speaker.

  • Recorded on April 17, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Bruce W. Jentleson, chair ; Helle C. Dale, David C. Litt, and Keith Reinhard, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 17, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Curtis A. Bradley, chair ; John B. Bellinger III, John Dugard, and Tod Lindberg, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 17, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Stewart A. Baker, speaker.

  • Recorded on April 17, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Sillman, chair ; John D. Altenburg, Jr, Jonathan Hafetz, CDR Glenn M. Sulmasy, speakers.

  • Rep. David Price speaks on the Obama administration's national security policies.

    Recorded on April 16, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: David E. Price, speaker.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Hussein Hassouna, speaker.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Chris Schroeder, chair ; William C. Banks, Michael Davidson, and Melissa Goodman, speakers.