Videos tagged with Conference

  • Recorded on April 16, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: David H. Schanzer, chair ; Edward Alden, Stephen R. Kelly, and Jessica Vaughan, speakers.

  • Rep. David Price speaks on the Obama administration's national security policies.

    Recorded on April 16, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: David E. Price, speaker.

  • Panel IV of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Sara Sun Beale, chair; Karl Metzner, Michael E. Tigar, The Honorable David B. Sentelle, and Normal Abrams,

  • Panel 5 of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, chair ; John Radsan, Aziz Huq, Michael F. Scheuer, and Mark Mazzetti, panelists.

  • Panel VI of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Kathryn W. Bradley, chair ; Major General Jack L. Rives, John Radsan, David J. Luban and Patrick F. Philbin, panelists.

  • April 11, 2009 luncheon speaker at the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Talk titled: Domestic Security Considerations for 2009 & Beyond

    Appearing: Paul Rosenzweig, speaker.

  • Panel III of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: A. Mark Weisburd, chair; Amos N. Guiora, Ron Atkey, Nicholas Rostow, and David Bickford, panelists.

  • Panel II of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Panel 2. Robert M. Chesney, chair ; Lisa Graves, Suzanne Spaulding, Honorable Benjamin A. Powell, and James Baker, panelists.

  • Opening comments and Panel I of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Opening remarks. Scott L. Silliman, speaker ; Panel 1. Christopher H. Schroeder, chair ; Nadia Naviwala, Scott Horton, Stephen Hedger and David Hammond, panelists.

  • April 10, 2009 luncheon speakers at the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Dialog titled: Shaping Our Foreign Policy for the Continuing War on Terrorism

    Appearing: Luncheon speakers: Bruce W. Jentleson and Peter D. Feaver, speakers.

  • April 10, 2009 dinner speaker at the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Talk titled: Iraq: Acknowledging Past Errors and Future Challenges.

    Appearing: His Excellency Samir Sumaida'ie, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the United States, speaker.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on detaining suspected terrorists.

    Recorded on April 13, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Curtis A. Bradley (Duke University School of Law), moderator ; John C. Harrison (University of Virginia School of Law), Deborah N. Pearlstein (Princeton University), Neil S. Siegel (Duke University School of Law) and Neil J. Kinkopf (Georgia State University), panelists.

  • Panel presentations on interrogation and national security.

    Recorded on April 13, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Robert M. Chesney (Wake Forest University), moderator ; Marty Lederman (Georgetown Law Center), Robert A. Fein, Laura Dickinson (University of Connecticut), and James A. Candelmo (U.S. Department of Justice).

  • Recorded on April 13, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Dennis C. Blair, Admiral, USN (Ret.), speaker.

  • Presentation on the legal restraints on gathering intelligence.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here & Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Benjamin A. Powell (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)

  • Panel presentations and discussion on Islam and radicalization in the Muslim world.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Opening comments. Scott L Silliman -- Panel 1. Bruce Lawrence, moderator ; miriam cooke (Duke University), Abdeslam E.M. Maghraoui (United States Institute of Peace), Engseng Ho (Harvard University), and Charles Kurzman (University of North Carolina), panelists.

  • Presentation on the Middle East peace process and diplomatic developments in the region. A question and answer session followed.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here & Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: HRH Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein, speaker.

  • LENS Conference 2007: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad | Options for the US Strategy and Policy in the Middle East

    Panel presentations and discussion on developments in United States involvement in the Middle East.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

  • A panel discussion on critical infrastructure protection. The discussion concentrates on strategies and policies that would protect American infrastructure from terrorist attacks.

    Recorded on April 21, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: David H. Schanzer, chair ; Robert Mahoney, Rafi Ron, David Howe, and Dr. Noel P. Greis, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 21, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, introductions ; Richard B. Myers, General, USAF (Ret.), speaker.

  • Recorded on April 21, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder, chair ; John R. Schmidt, Neil J. Kinkopf, Greg T. Nojeim and Andrew C. McCarthy, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 21, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: David J. Jarmul, chair ; Art Harris, Jackie Northam, Susan Taylor Martin, and Jay DeFrank, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 20, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Bruce R. Kuniholm, chair ; Stephen Grummon, Nancy Soderberg, Rand Beers, and Zainab Al-Suwaij, speakers.

  • Walter B. Jones talks about his views on United States involvement in Iraq and the political process surrounding the authorization to use military force in Iraq.

    Recorded on April 20, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, introductions; The Honorable Walter B. Jones, speaker.

  • Recorded on April 20, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Bruce Jentleson, chair ; Christopher Preble, Steven Simon, Ole Holsti, and Richard Kohn, panelists.