Duke Law Podcast | What Does the Supreme Court's New Ruling Mean for Gun Gontrol?

In this episode of the Duke Law Podcast, the Duke Center for Firearms Law discusses the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen on June 23, 2022. Join Profs. Joseph Blocher and Darrell A. H. Miller – both faculty co-directors of the Center – and Jacob D. Charles and Andrew Willinger – outgoing and incoming executive directors of the Center, respectively – for a broad-ranging conversation on the implications of the Court’s decision and the unanswered questions that could lead to further litigation.

Duke Center for Firearms Law
- https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/
- https://twitter.com/dukefirearmslaw
- Second Thoughts Blog https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/secondthoughts/

Professor Joseph Blocher
- https://law.duke.edu/fac/blocher/

Professor Darrell A. H. Miller
- https://law.duke.edu/fac/dmiller/

Lecturing Fellow Jacob D. Charles
- https://law.duke.edu/fac/charlesj/

Incoming Executive Director Andrew Willinger
- https://bit.ly/3bGeFPz

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