Student Class-Of Email Lists
These lists are moderated; if you are not a moderator, your message will be held until a moderator reviews it. Please contact the department that owns the list or Academic Technologies for assistance with these lists. |
StudentsDescription: All current students (JD, Int LLM, LLMLE, SJD), but NOT the MJS degree program students. Graduated students will be removed from the list 2 weeks after end of SPRING semester. Includes: all non-graduated 'class20yy' email lists (see below) Owner: Student Affairs and Registrar Moderator: Student Affairs List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech) | |
Class20YYDescription: All JD, LLMLE and international LLM students with a graduation semester for spring, summer or fall of the given year. (Same membership as JD20YY until graduation year.) Created by April each year. Owner: Student Affairs and Registrar Moderator: Student Affairs List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech) (Note: graduated classes are frozen before graduation week and retained for a year.) | |
JD20YYDescription: Students enrolled in a JD degree program, including dual degree and JDLLM / JDLLMLE, with graduation term in the given year. Created by April each year. Owner: Student affairs and registrar Moderator: Student affairs List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech) (Note: graduated classes are frozen before graduation week and retained for a year.) | |
JD-LLMDescription: All current students enrolled in the JD and LLM dual-degree program. Graduated students will be removed from the list 2 weeks after end of SPRING semester. Owner: Student Affairs and Registrar Moderator: International Studies List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech)
| |
JDLLM20YYDescription: Students enrolled in the JD and LLM dual-degree program, with graduation term in the given year. Created during the summer. Owner: Student Affairs and Registrar Moderator: Student Affairs List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech) (Note: graduated classes are frozen and retained for a year.) | |
LLM20YYDescription: International LLM program students, including international exchange students and SJDs, with graduation term in the given year. Created before summer. Owner: International Studies Moderator: International Studies List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech) (Note: graduated classes are frozen and retained for a year.) |
See LLMLE Office
LLMLE20YYDescription: Students in any LLMLE program, with graduation term in the given year. Owner: LLMLE Office Moderator: LLMLE Office List type: Managed by LLMLE Office | |
SJDDescription: Current students enrolled in the SJD program Owner: International Studies Moderator: International Studies List type: dynamic (maintained by Ac Tech) | |
VisitingScholarsDescription: Students currently registered as visiting scholars Owner: International Studies Moderator: International Studies List type: manually subscribed by owner |