
Instructional Technologies

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Below are some ideas to try. Please see the More Instructional Technology page for more information on setting up in-class polling, recording videos, using class forums, and other ways to engage students inside and outside the classroom.

Please contact Instructional Technologies Consulting for assistance with any of these...

Before Class

  • Pose discussion questions using the Canvas Announcements tool or use the Canvas Chat tool
  • Require students to post their own discussion questions on the Canvas Chat
  • Require students to reply to discussion questions you pose
  • Poll students to test conceptual understanding of the day's readings using Qualtrics or other polling software

At the Start of Class

  • Display your main points in a brief PowerPoint or an outline from document, so that students are oriented to the day's plan
  • Let students know that you will distribute your Powerpoint slides, or outline, so they don't feel they have to write everything down
  • Poll students electronically or use the Quizzes tool in Canvas to test conceptual knowledge, or to illustrate the controversial nature of a topic
  • Start off with a scene from a video to highlight the day's main point
  • Display on screen and discuss the morning's headlines from Jurist, or

During Class

  • Put a piece of student or professional writing up on the screen and ask for help in polishing it using the Collaboration tool and the Office 365 tool in Canvas
  • Show a video or describe a scenario, and poll the students before discussing it
  • Ask students to close their laptops and discuss more intently
  • Put students into pairs, then into groups to reach a consensus or majority opinion on a question, then have groups report back, perhaps with a simple PowerPoint or outline of their main arguments

After Class

  • Send out your slides, outline or notes to the class or post on Canvas
  • Ask a follow-up question on the Canvas Chat or Announcements
  • Require students to post follow-up observations if needed

During the Semester

  • Give self-assessment assignments to allow students to review their conceptual understanding, perhaps through CALI lessons, or through review questions or quizzes on Canvas
  • Provide brief mock exams questions to work through, in a timed environment, perhaps using Canvas, and provide model or alternative responses
  • Assign mock exam questions to groups, have groups develop model responses and share them with entire class through the Assignments tool