
Save and Share Files

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Web-based resources

Many resources are web based and are accessible via login anywhere in the world. Examples include Sakai and Outlook on the Web. Note that trying to access these resources in an Internet cafe or on another public computer could expose your ID and password to identity theft.

Your network files

  • Windows users can access your files on your J: drive via Windows File Shares. In Windows Explorer right click on "Computer" or "Your PC" select "Map Network Drive." Your J: drive can be accessed in the form:
    \\\LAW\USERS\[your netid]
  • Mac users should use the "Go to Server" function with this format:
    smb://[your netid]
  • Log in using your NetID. You may need to prepend the Windows domain, e.g.,\[your netid]
  • You must use the Duke VPN to access your network files from off campus (see below).

Your office desktop computer

If you frequently need to use campus resources from home, you may find it simpler to use Remote Desktop to access your office desktop computer from another computer. This provides an experience as if you were sitting at your office computer. It may also be the best way to keep sensitive files where they belong. Contact the help desk for details on how to set up Remote Desktop on your office computer. Remote software is available for both PC and Macintosh.

Licensed databases and websites

Most licensed library resources are available remotely via a system called EZProxy. Some links will automatically route you through EZProxy; to be sure you are using it, go to the Perkins or Goodson library sites to access these licensed resources.

VPN access

If you need to access a resource that is not available off campus or through the Library's EZProxy, you should use Duke's Virtual Private Network (VPN); the Cisco AnyConnect software can be downloaded via The VPN's "Default" option will give you access to restricted resources that are at Duke. The "Intl Duke" option will give you access to resources around the world that require your connection to come from the Duke network, no matter where you are. It also provides some protection if you are on a local network that could be insecure. Note that your Internet connection may be slowed some and that you may not be able to access local network devices such as wireless printers if you use the "Intl Duke" option.

  • If you do not see a profile listed (such as "Duke VPN"), enter as your profile before connecting.
  • If you encounter a licensed site that is not available through EZProxy but may be widely needed by faculty and staff, please let us know at the help desk. Such sites can be added to the "default" option as well.